
How do you set up a digital store

June 4, 2024
minute read
Steps to creating your digital store
  1. Collate the information on all the relevant topics - Access our template to help
  2. Decide who should have access
  3. Decide where you want to store this information
  4. Make this information available either through your will, lawyer or direct to loved ones
  5. Set reminders to update (yearly or when you have a significant life event)
What options do you have to set up your digital store?
  1. Use a Google/Microsoft document or our template which is saved to the cloud (i.e not saved on your computer). You have shared this information or password protected this with a chosen person. Read through the risks below to make sure you are securing this information.
  2. Document with your will or password to a physical document that is only released when you have died. This will be harder and more costly to update. It also will only come into effect if you die and not if you are ill.
  3. Password software like 1password (other options below) has the functionality to share passwords with family members. This helps for some of your data but will probably not cover everything. It also could be accessed at any time, which might not be what you want.
  4. Use an online service, specifically set up for this purpose a few examples are Keylu , MyWishes, Aura. There is a growing number of these services, but there is a risk they could in the future go out of business and then the information could be lost.
  5. For some people a digital store is too far from their comfort zone, or may not be practical for whatever reason. If that is the case then you can store the information in a book or printed document, however this will not be as secure and could be much harder to maintain and therefore decipher when it needs to be used.
What are the risks?
  1. Security & privacy - No system is 100% safe, we have seen huge companies and Governments being hacked and no matter what the assurances are no system is infallible. However this is the case with everything we do online, so some risk is inevitable. Ensure wherever you store your details, if digital, has 2 factor authentication enabled on it. Do not use the same password for everything, if someone finds out all your accounts then this will be much easier to hack.
  2. Incomplete or not updated - The information in your store is only as good as what you have put in so ensure it is comprehensive. Every year review the contents and f you have a big life event you should also review.
  3. Misuse - Even if your data is secure you may have given access to someone who misuses it. Therefore who and when you give access to is critical. Who you give access to your store should be reviewed along with the contents on a yearly basis or when life events like divorce happen. There is also the possibility someone may ask you to share your details as part of wider abuse such as coercive control, if this is the case please contact the authorities.


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